JESS | Journal of Emerging Social Scientists - Lahore


Association of Media and Communication Academic Professionals (AMCAP)

Attitude of South Punjab Students Towards English Learning as an Instrument for Earning

  • Waqar Mahmood Khan/
  • Muhammad Haris Khan/
  • May 01, 2024
Instrumental Motivation, English teacher, English career prospects, Demand for English teachers, Pakistan's Southern Punjab region

Millions of students in underdeveloped countries are striving to learn English for economic purposes, as research shows a direct relationship between English proficiency and individuals’ economic growth. This research model systematically analyzed the attitudes of students in the English degree program from Southern Punjab towards their preference for becoming English teachers. Through a questionnaire as a data collection tool, the inclination of individuals towards English teaching was evaluated. The findings of the research indicate that students enrolled in the BS Honours in English program and those pursuing an MA in English have witnessed significant growth in demand for English teachers over the last 2 to 3 years. This suggests that pursuing English as a career offers financial perks, privileges, and social standing in society beyond what subjects like Physics, Chemistry, and Biology typically provide. The Self-Determination Theory of Motivation can serve as a rationale for this paper. The students also associate it with instrumental motivation, as the majority of respondents have favored instrumental motivation as a factor influencing their choice of a career as an English teacher.


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Lecturer at the Department of English, University of Okara, Pakistan.


MPhil English Linguistics Scholar at Riphah International University, Lahore, Pakistan



Type: Article
Volume: 4
Issue: 1
Language: English
Id: 666d8c84bbd45
Published May 01, 2024


  • 183
  • 79
  • 64


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